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About Us

North Orange County Chinese School (NOCCS) utilizes small classroom settings to focus on conversational Mandarin Chinese.  Our teaching methods and curriculum allow students not only to develop Mandarin Chinese language fluency but also to gain knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture and arts.


The school is under the umbrella of the North Orange County Chinese Cultural Association (NOCCCA), which was founded in October 1984 and legally became a cultural organization in 1986.  NOCCCA is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization with the purpose of sharing Chinese culture.  We create opportunities to experience Chinese culture not only in our Chinese schools but also in the local communities.  In our schools, we aim to teach and pass on Chinese language and culture to our younger generations.  Within the community, we seek to deepen understanding and appreciation of our rich Chinese culture and history.   

The Board of Directors holds regular meetings to develop and promote the exhibition of NOCCS.  The school affairs are the responsibility of the Principal and will be assisted by the Board and the Parents' Association (PA).


Current Members  成員

President:  Jerry Sanchez 

Vice President:  Vicki Hernandez

VP of Public Relations:  Hoang Tran

VP of Communications:  Cindy Tran

Secretary:  Linda Chau 

Treasurer:  Rebecca Lee

Principal:  Jeffrey Wu 

Vice Principal:  Tammy Jung


Past Presidents: Wu Huinan, Zhan Wu Shuxin, Lai Benlong, Meng Qinghai, Gao Weiyi, Shi Weide, Xu Guoyong, Yan Yongfang, Shen Jianxing, Zhou Baohua, Lin Jincao, Xu Jiajian, Guo Qingyuan, Huang Shaofu, Liu Mingshan, Li Guangjie, Li Li, Ye Xingjian, Chen Yaotang, Liu Youwei, Chen Yingpeng, Fang Erwen, Liu Dashen, Wang Qiangsheng, Liu Yuang, Xu Hexiao, Zhao Xiuqing, Chen Yanrong, Guo Chenjie, Wu Junyi , Li Peiying  

Past Principals: Wu Linyan Qiong, He Zhangzhang, Zhou Baohua, Huang Shaofu, Wu Huinan, Zhang Yuying, Guo Qingyuan, Shen Jianxing, Xu Guoyong, Xu Zhenli, Liu Mingshan, Huang Shuguan, Chen Hengsheng, Zhang Nina, Guo Youzheng, Fang Erwen, Lin Linghui, Xie Wanxiang, Shu Yi, Zhang Peiluan, Tao Zhujun, Chen Jingru,  Wu Junyi. 


About Us


North Orange County Chinese School (NOCCS) 利用小型教室設置專注於中文會話。 我們的教學方法和課程讓學生不僅可以提高中文的流利程度,還可以讓學生獲得對中華文化和藝術的知識和理解。

北橙華人協會 (NOCCCA)由吳慧南女士於一九八四年十月成立,經過合法申請,於一九八六年成為一個文化組織。 


經歷屆會長﹕吳慧南,詹吳淑馨,賴本隆,孟慶海,高為宜,施維德,須國勇,顏永芳,沈健行,周保華,林勁草,許家綜,郭慶原,黃少甫,劉明山,李光傑,李莉,葉行健,陳耀堂,劉有為,陳英鵬,房爾雯, 劉大伸,王強生,劉宇昂,許和肖,趙修清,陳彥榮,郭臣節,吳俊毅及現任會長李佩瑩和各屆理事,同心協力,辛勤耕耘,並在全體會員支持下,會務蒸蒸日上,目前已有百餘戶。 協會下屬的北橙中文學校(NOCCS),也在歷任校長﹕吳林燕瓊,何張璋,周保華,黃少甫,吳慧南,張玉英,郭慶原,沈健行,須國勇,許真莉,劉明山,黃淑灌,陳衡生,張妮娜,郭祐政,房爾雯,林鈴惠,謝婉香,舒翼,張珮鑾,陶筑君,陳鏡如及現任校長吳俊毅和全體教職員胼手胝足之下,學風鼎盛,嶄露頭角於南加州所有中文學校。 北橙華人協會為一非政治,非宗教,非營利之組織,以發揚中華文化及參與社區活動為宗旨。其最高權利機構為會員大會,下設理事會為最高執行單位。理事會每月定期召開理事會議,研訂並推展會務,且監督中文學校之教育工作。中文學校之校務由校長負責,家長會協助之。 今後本協會仍將以發揚中華文化,培育下一代之菁英為目的,並配合主流社會,繼續努力,在所有會員扶持下,使本會更加茁壯。 

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